Joe Joe

Gepubliceerd op 28 augustus 2023 om 13:35

Verse 1:
Yo, it's time to call out Joe
A Nigerian bro who's 39 years old
Religious, loves God and Jesus Christ
But when it comes to silly dances he's not so nice
Milena's his daughter, she's the apple of his eye
But when he punches walls, man it makes us sigh
He loves to eat yollof rice, that's cool
But when it comes to swimming, he's a fool

Joe, Joe, he's the man with the plan
But when he punches walls, we don't understand
Joe, Joe, loves to eat yollof rice
But when it comes to swimming, he needs some advice

Verse 2:
Joe's got style, he's got flavor
But when he punches walls, it's a total labor
He loves Nigeria, his home sweet home
But his silly dances, man they need to be thrown
He's religious, that's his thing
But when it comes to swimming, he's got no wings
Milena's his daughter, she's his heart
But when he punches walls, it tears us apart

Joe, Joe, he's the man with the plan
But when he punches walls, we don't understand
Joe, Joe, loves to eat yollof rice
But when it comes to swimming, he needs some advice

Verse 3:
Joe, we love you, you're our bro
But when it comes to swimming, you need to let go
Religion, it's cool, we get that
But when it comes to silly dances, you need to step back
Milena's your daughter, she's your pride
But when you punch walls, it's hard to abide
Yollof rice, it's your favorite dish
But when it comes to swimming, you need to make a wish

Joe, Joe, he's the man with the plan
But when he punches walls, we don't understand
Joe, Joe, loves to eat yollof rice
But when it comes to swimming, he needs some advice

So, Joe, we hope you heard our rap
It's time to change, it's time to adapt
No more punching walls, no more silly moves
Time to learn to swim and get in the groove
You're a great guy, we love you man
But when it comes to swimming, you need a plan.

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